Neon and ember tetras
Neon and ember tetras

neon and ember tetras

This makes them one of the smaller members of the Characidae family. The Ember Tetra typically reaches a length of around 0.5 inches (1.3 cm), although some specimens have been known to grow up to 0.75 inches (1.9 cm). Ember Tetras are very peaceful fish and can be kept with other peaceful fish of similar size. They have a beautiful cyan coloration on the body with a bright red tail.ĭifferent color varieties have different patterns and intensities of colors on their body. Cyan: Cyan Ember Tetras are also quite rare. They have a green coloration on the body with a bright red tail.ĥ. Green: Green Ember Tetras are not as common as the other colors, but they are still quite beautiful. They have a lovely yellow coloration on the body with a bright red tail.Ĥ. Yellow: Yellow Ember Tetras are also quite popular. It has a beautiful, deep red coloration on the body with a bright red tail.ģ. Red: The second most popular color variety is red. It has an intense orange coloration on the body with a bright red tail.Ģ. Orange: This is the most popular color variety. Color Varietiesįive color varieties of Ember Tetra are most popular all over the worldġ. They are not aggressive and get along well with other fish, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists. They prefer to school with other members of their own species, but can also be found swimming with other small, peaceful fish. Males also tend to have longer fins, especially the dorsal and caudal fins.Īmber tetras are peaceful fish that do well in community tanks. The caudal fin is forked and slightly asymmetrical.įemales are typically smaller than males and have a more rounded body shape. The pectoral fins are small and rounded, while the pelvic fins are pointed and located just behind the pectoral fins. The dorsal fin has 8-9 soft rays, while the anal fin has 3-4. The fins are all relatively small and include the dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins. One runs along the side of the head and passes through the eye, while the other starts at the base of the tail and runs to the end of the caudal peduncle. The surface of the back is slightly thick from the head to the end of the tail, while it is completely thin from the belly to the tail. Despite their small size, they are still beautiful fish to look at and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. Males and females look similar, but males tend to be slightly larger.Īmber tetras are one of the smaller species of tetra, only growing to be about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. The dorsal and caudal fins are also black, while the anal and pelvic fins are orange. They have a reddish-orange body with black stripes running along their sides.

neon and ember tetras

The ember tetra is a small, but brightly colored fish. You may have the same question as me as to why amber tetras are so popular in the aquarist community, and the answer is in their appearance.

neon and ember tetras

A 20-gallon tank is a minimum size you will need for a group of 6 Ember Tetras. If you are looking for a group of 6 Ember Tetras, you should budget around $30. You can expect to pay anywhere from $2 to $5 per fish. The price of an Ember Tetra fish can vary depending on where you purchase it from. If you want to own an Amber Tetras fish, you will have costs for the fish, a tank, and supplies. These little fish are sure to bring hours of enjoyment to any aquarium hobbyist. They are active and playful, and their bright color adds excitement to the aquarium. The eggs hatch in 24-48 hours and the fry is free-swimming in about a week.Įmber Tetras are a beautiful addition to any peaceful community tank. The parents will often eat the eggs, so it is best to remove them to a separate tank for incubation. They are egg layers, and the eggs sink to the bottom of the tank. In captivity, they will eat most small live, frozen, or flake foods.Įmber Tetras are not difficult to breed in captivity. In the wild, they eat small insects and larvae. They are schooling fish, so they do best in groups of 6 or more. There are about 15 species of Ember Tetras, all from South America.Įmber Tetras are found in slow-moving waters, often near the surface. They belong to the Characidae family and are in the Hyphessobrycon genus. They are sometimes called fire tetras because of their color and beauty. They grow to be about 1.5 inches (4 cm) long and have a lifespan of 3-5 years. Amber Tetras (Hyphaesobrycon amande) of the Araguaia River basin in Central Brazil is a small, peaceful schooling fish that make great community tank mates.

Neon and ember tetras