Sun spotter solar filter for telrad
Sun spotter solar filter for telrad

sun spotter solar filter for telrad

Too much magnification results in a blurry image. In many cases there is a sweet spot where images are the clearest. Many different eyepieces can be used no matter the size or type of telescope.

sun spotter solar filter for telrad

MAGNIFICATION = TELESCOPE’S FOCAL LENGTH / EYEPIECE’S FOCAL LENGTH Magnification is equal to the focal length of the telescope divided by the focal length of the eyepiece. The longer the focal length, the more magnification can be achieved with a given eyepiece. The actual magnification is achieved by the eyepiece, although the telescope’s focal length does place a limit on the telescope’s magnification. No matter your choice, it is NOT all about magnification. A compound telescope typically comes into play if you want a more automated scope. Reflectors typically provide more telescope for the money, although, they must be collimated from time to time.


Refractors and reflectors are good choices for manual telescopes. The most common types are the Schmidt-Cassegrain and the Maksutov-Cassegrain. A compound telescope is more complex and has a combination of lenses and mirrors.It has a primary mirror that bends (reflects) light to a secondary mirror, which in turn, sends it to the eyepiece. A reflector is one with mirrors rather than a lens.It has a lens that bends (refracts) light into the eyepiece. A refractor is what most people think a telescope should look like.There are three primary types of telescopes. I’ve listed a few articles below that might help you. And the telescope ends up … in a closet.īefore purchasing a telescope, particularly your first scope, take some time and do a little research.

sun spotter solar filter for telrad

Many of us, including me, have done this. Go out to the local department store, check the telescopes on the shelf, decide what to spend and make the purchase. However, if you are like me, and find it difficult to hold binoculars steady, you might think about buying a telescope. In fact, binoculars are a great way to start exploring what’s up there. There are many more objects such as nebulae, star clusters and even galaxies that can be found if you own a pair of binoculars or a telescope. These are the “wanderers”, otherwise known as the planets. From time to time a brighter object or two comes into view. If you’re lucky you might see the Milky Way stretch across the sky. Have you ever walked out at night and looked up into the night sky? If you live away from a city, the sky is filled with stars. FAS Astronomers Blog, Volume 30, Number 14.

Sun spotter solar filter for telrad